The world in itself is a mysterious place, and to add to that the dogmatic beliefs which are forced onto me as a child, adulterating my mind with ambiguous explanations about the world around me. I don't blame my parents for this because any parent faced with a question as to why is the sky blue will answer in the same way. :roll:
But the problem with this approach by my parents reflected on my approach to life as a student. Instead of questioning why is it x and not y? I started accepting things as they are and mugging them. Why is it x? Because my teacher said so. And I knew from the beginning that I am very bad at remembering things. So, the outcome was a mediocre score in Class10, and to add to the misery, countless enquiries from relatives and friends. I guess they just love to hear it again and again from you that you were not among the best. Gives them some kind of satisfaction, when they find out that not many are perfect and I am one of them. Recovering from that was an uphill task and I finally got respectable score in my 10+2 and a job as an S/W engineer after my B.E. and I guess I'm doing ok. And I have learnt it the hard way, always ask "Why?". :-)
I want to point out that the question 'why?' is one of the most important questions that everyone should ask everywhere to everyone and to themselves. Someone once said "Adroit is the one who can find many solutions when others can find only one". The only way you can achieve this is by asking more and more questions. Be it the meeting or a lecture. If not to the speaker, ask yourself and keep the answers to yourself. I know I am getting too philosophical, guess I should put an end to it.
I am myself bemused that I decided to create a blog, as I don't like others see what I do in my life and what I eat, where I go, whom do I meet etc. So, this blog will concentrate mainly on the 'Whys' that we all have in mind, but don’t want to find out the answers.
But the problem with this approach by my parents reflected on my approach to life as a student. Instead of questioning why is it x and not y? I started accepting things as they are and mugging them. Why is it x? Because my teacher said so. And I knew from the beginning that I am very bad at remembering things. So, the outcome was a mediocre score in Class10, and to add to the misery, countless enquiries from relatives and friends. I guess they just love to hear it again and again from you that you were not among the best. Gives them some kind of satisfaction, when they find out that not many are perfect and I am one of them. Recovering from that was an uphill task and I finally got respectable score in my 10+2 and a job as an S/W engineer after my B.E. and I guess I'm doing ok. And I have learnt it the hard way, always ask "Why?". :-)
I want to point out that the question 'why?' is one of the most important questions that everyone should ask everywhere to everyone and to themselves. Someone once said "Adroit is the one who can find many solutions when others can find only one". The only way you can achieve this is by asking more and more questions. Be it the meeting or a lecture. If not to the speaker, ask yourself and keep the answers to yourself. I know I am getting too philosophical, guess I should put an end to it.
I am myself bemused that I decided to create a blog, as I don't like others see what I do in my life and what I eat, where I go, whom do I meet etc. So, this blog will concentrate mainly on the 'Whys' that we all have in mind, but don’t want to find out the answers.
Whats's Up i'm fresh to this. I came accross this forum I find It extremely accessible & it's helped me tons. I hope to contribute and assist others like its helped me.
Thank You, See Ya About.
Heya i'm new here, I hit upon this site I find It truly accessible & it's helped me alot. I hope to contribute and support other users like it has helped me.
Cheers all, Catch You Around.
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